Saturday, July 20, 2013

The map of piano locations and the back of "Out Loud in the City"

42"x55" mixed media on canvas to be mounted on the back of the piano.
Painted for the back of the piano, so it can be experienced from all sides, this piece of canvas I taped to the floor of my studio and just had fun.

A map of all the piano locations through out the Indianapolis area can be found here on the Women's Fund GO Ahead & Play Map page.

Also check out this little video to hear and see more about this project.
Have a good day!


Lisa Graham said...

What a great painting..colorful and JanettMarie funness! A great project too! I could not get the video to work, but I poked around on the website. It's great there are 20 of them!

Angela Sullivan said...

Janet this is so pretty. Amazing that you did such a large piece and also thanks for the link.