Monday, October 20, 2014

A Lighthouse... started

15" x 11" oil on paper... a start....
Small sketch on notebook paper
Hmmm... they are a little different.... hmmmm.. oh, well.

The small sketch happened last night and the painting at the top started today. Where is this thing going?  Time will tell.

More tomorrow : )



martinealison said...

Bonjour chère amie,

Je suis toujours attirée par les phares. Ils me fascinent. Je trouve qu'ils ont tous une âme, une histoire ou des histoires cachées en eux... Ils sont très mystérieux.

J'aime beaucoup ton esquisse et ton huile. Adorables !
Gros bisous ♡

Lisa Graham said...

I love lighthouses. They are such a charming structure and I used to wish I could live in one and just watch boats come in all day. These are wonderful sketches JanettMarie. xo

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Just read a book called "The light between Oceans" which was quite good.

Can't wait to se where this goes JM ;)

Alecia Schmitz said...

I just love your drawing Janett. You have a very unique style with line and drama.

Deborah Ann Kirkeeide said...

It's really interesting watching your process through these sketches. Thanks for sharing!

Deb Kirkeeide