"Growing Up |
"Happy Day" |
Oh wow! Here are three itty bitty sunflower paintings I painted for the Open House in April and I forgot to show them to you! Guess I was a little busy, just a little....
I'll have to report back to see if they are still in my studio. One or two may have found a new home, as did many of my paintings that weekend.
Did I tell you the
"Big Buzz", the big coffee cup found a new home? Oh, and it does look good in it's new location. It's a perfect fit! Thanks Joe!
"Lookin' Out" |
Painting has taken a back seat for me here lately, I've had a few loose ends to tie up after the big event (open house) in April. We had 4000 people come through on Friday night and 2000 come through on Saturday afternoon. Wow, exhausting, that's a
lot of people to talk to.
One of the best things that happened to me that weekend was... I had a personal visit from Myra Anderson! I couldn't believe it! She called me on the phone Friday morning, I was so busy (did I tell you I'm the treasurer for our association) I missed the call. She left me a message that I finally got around to listen to about a half hour after she called and I'll tell you I was walking on sunshine the rest of the weekend. I received a personal call from a celebrity! I hope I can do the same for her one day : )
Oh, Myra! Thank you! I'm still walking on sunshine just remembering!