Monday, September 28, 2015

"Fifteen in Fifteen" Gin Martini

"Fifteen in Fifteen"  acrylic on paper  7.5" x 5.5"
Yes, I made this with gin for Leigh, it was Sunday after all. Mmmm, it does have a different flavor.

Not sure if you can tell, but this is another "warm" painting, or pigments that lean toward red.

I may not get all 30 paintings finished in the allotted 30 days, but I am having fun that's for sure!

Have a great day!


myra anderson said...

cool you!!!!!!!!

Prairie Jill said...

I'm loving the martini series! I think my favourites so far are "magical 11" and "four - martini".

Prairie Jill said...

I'm loving the martini series! I think my favourites so far are "magical eleven" and "four-martini".
