Saturday, September 12, 2015

I know, I know, today is the 12th day, but...

"Martini Night"  mixed media on paper  9" by 8"  
"Limitless Martini"  mixed media on paper  9" by 8"
Here are numbers 7 and 8...
And ... ummmm, I have 9 and 10 finished but I didn't get them photographed. I'll definitely update you later next week!

Is it a full moon? Nope.... it's a new moon! On to new paintings!



leigh said...

Feedback is good...martinis are good. I think i want one! My dear friend from New Oleans always said" Liquor may be a little bayad, but, a little gooooood!"

myra anderson said...

wow! great color and abstract....keep it going girl!