Friday, March 11, 2011


 20" x 20" mixed media on canvas
I had to look this one in the face tonight. I noticed I was painting other pieces and avoiding painting #75 apple. Even number 76 is close to being finished! 76 is a 6"x6" though, but none the less, no excuse for avoiding number 75!

I'll look at this again this weekend to finish it up and find a good title, but I just wanted you all to know that I am working on this one, it's a little bigger than most of the others with this one being 20" by 20", but hey, it's number 75! It should be some what special.... yes?

PS: I learned today about shooting a photo in the RAW format with my digital camera and it seems the reds are looking better! All the oranges and reds aren't becoming one big blob of color. Thanks Ginny!


martinealison said...

Intéressant ce que vous dites concernant le "RAW" car je rencontre ce problème avec mes rouges ...
je vais essayer de me pencher la-dessus car je ne suis pas très douée en photo...!
Une belle et généreuse pomme! ...

JanettMarie said...

Une leçon que j'ai apprise avec le format RAW est que je peux voir ma photo dans Adobe Photoshop, mais pas nécessairement dans-dire un mode de prévisualisation sur mon ordinateur. Puis je l'ai enregistrer en tant que jpg et les petits fichiers pour blogger. Bonne chance!

One lesson I learned with the RAW format is that I can view my photo in adobe photoshop, but not necessarily in say a preview mode on my computer. Then I save it as a jpg and smaller file for blogger. Good luck!

Bonnie Fillenwarth said...

You should name it "The Big Apple" like New York :)

fine art in artful jewelry said...

you're getting precariously close to 100! great job on this one. it has been languishing for a while!

myra anderson said...

wow what wonderfully vibrant colors!!!! 20x20 - how does this painting look on the wall? please show a photo please?! pretty please?!