Mixed media on old book page |
Here we are, another page out of the old book.
I received a nudge from Myra last Friday, asking me "where are you!". Basically, she was asking if I was still painting or just being a slug on a log!
I was in Cleveland, OH for a family reunion, in a hotel, but I had my book and a few painting materials with me. So! On Saturday night I did a quick start of this red coffee cup.
I found this cup in Kathleen's free stuff pile when she moved studio's last Spring. It has a little chip in it but I've glued the piece back in place and it's almost good as new.
I love that red. Kathleen has some pretty red hair too, so it only makes sense to me to be Kathleen's red cup. Well, this is a simple version for now but I have a feeling, things are going to get a little more involved and complicated here!
Thanks for the nudge Myra!!
PS: I received a gift cup today from Carol and it's
her birthday! Hmmm... chocolate chips! Cookies...