Monday, January 13, 2014

Study O'Keeffe 1

"Study O'Keeffe 1"   10"x8" acrylic on canvas
Have you heard of an artist, Georgia O'Keeffe? She painted skyscrapers for a short time in her career.
I've always enjoyed her skyscraper paintings, so I thought I would try one with a little twist, JanettMarie style. I haven't quite gotten there yet, but this is a start. I'll do another to get the "mojo" going.

Here is an image of O'Keeffe's painting. I know, I know... do another.
Wow, I really need to do another... let's see wrong proportion, wrong color.... wait! This is my painting! Although from this exercise I see what I want to do differently next time. Gotta go...

Good Night.



Lisa Graham said...

I didn't know that! I like your rendering.

myra anderson said...

I love your building JM!