Wednesday, January 1, 2014

First little post of the year 2014 -Sold

6"x6" oil on canvas panel
This is the first painting of the year for me and the first painting of my 2014, thirty paintings in thirty days challenge with Leslie Saeta.

Believe it or not this painting took me a long time to do. I had to clean up my home studio first, then I had to figure out how to set up my studio for still lives again and on and on and on....

Now, I've been watching Qiang Huang paint roses for the last couple days and decided to give it a try. This is the first. I started this painting and got really picky. Then I remembered I usually have fun painting and I wasn't having fun, so I changed my attitude, finished this guy and I will try again tomorrow!

Do another, that's what I tell my students, that is what I tell myself today.  : )

Happy New Year!



myra anderson said...

what a great and beautiful rose!!!

Lisa Graham said...

You did great on this JanettMarie! Can't wait to see your next 29 paintings!

Happy New Year!! Thanks for all your support and friendship this past year!

martinealison said...


Une charmante rose...
Belle et heureuse année, pleine de douceurs et de couleurs !... et puis voir la vie en rose !

Gros bisous

hmuxo said...

You certainly know how to start the year...This is a beautiful rose, JanetMarie!!

Angela Sullivan said...

Love that background.