Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Thinking Spring

"Thinking Spring"   6"x6" oil on masonite panel
What day is it? Oh, January 14th, that means this is painting number 13, because I am still one day behind with my 30 paintings in 30 days. All good.  : )

This painting has three different or new elements that I introduced to my process/painting:
1)  Today I bought a tube of Winsor Newton permanent rose oil paint, sweet color. 
2)  I was inspired by Patti Mollica to use a larger brush, so I used a #10 (3/4"), yesterday I used a 1/2" brush, Patti used a 2" brush in her example but her canvas was a tiny bit larger too (8"x8" really a tiny bit).
3)  The panel I used is a smooth surface as opposed to a texture of canvas. The surface was actually quite slick. I have three more of the smooth panels, I'm going to try using acrylic on one tomorrow.

Well, The skyscraper didn't get painted today because I knew this little rose would not wait for me.
Let's see what tomorrow brings!
Good Night...

PS:  Thanks Myra, Hilda, Carolyn and Char.


Lisa Graham said...

Pretty as a rose. Isn't it rewarding to try new things?

myra anderson said...

it's a beauty!!!

JanettMarie said...

Yes it is, thanks Lisa!

hmuxo said...

BEAUTIFUL work, Janett!!! Love "Lady in Red"!!!